Hong Kong Workshop 2016

WARMAP international workshop Pasts not past: War memories & memoryscapes in a transforming Asia”, School of Humanities, University of Hong Kong, 7-8 January 2016

This workshop brought together both distinguished senior and early-career scholars from the region and beyond to discuss the many contested memories and memoryscapes of war and conflict in an Asia that has been undergoing unprecedented change in the last few decades. Our speakers expertly covered and connected topics as diverse and complex as the politics of affect and appropriation, reconciliation and tourism as well as heritage, citizenship and diplomacy.

A special thanks goes to the Faculty of Arts for their additional financial support and the History Department at HKU for providing many helping hands in the organization of this event.

Certainly one of the biggest highlights of our workshop was Professor Diana Lary's wonderful keynote address. Her talk on the captivating and largely untold stories of massive numbers of exiles in China who embarked on most arduous journeys back home in the immediate aftermath of World War II can now be enjoyed by everyone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4ANFVntweg

Event posters can be downloaded here and here

Photos from the Workshop